The night before this bbq I woke up with a series of nightmares. Forgetting the keg, not knowing what to wear (the horror!), and of course an uninvited guest in a skanky prom dress were among the terrifying anxiety dreams that occurred. Needless to say everything went off without a hitch, well so I imagine. Who can really remember anything passed dinner? My only regret, not enough pictures of food! Here are a few that I managed to remember to take.
I didn't get any close ups of the dinner portion so here are the salads on day 3 of being leftover:

Potato and green bean salad

White sangria with peaches and green apples

Ice cream cake with snaps, peanut butter cups, and caramel

Thank you friends for the delicious salsa, spinach balls, guacamole, cookie cake and boozed up horchata that I am currently sipping on.

I hope your 3rd of July was as kickass as mine!