Monday, July 18, 2016

Pizza Burger (way better than that one Domino's is selling in India...)

Ok fellow internet-ers, many of you might have see the headlines about Domino's new pizza burger in India.  The lament of the writers seemed to be why oh why isn't this available in the USA.  To me I just didn't understand the idea, mainly because there is no actual hamburger involved here.  No patty at all in fact.  It's really a pizza grilled cheese sandwich.

From Dominos/Facebook
So naturally my brain started churning, how can we have pizza + burger become a reality without Domino's getting involved.  Perhaps sliders on Bagel Bites? Maybe I could make tiny pizza with actual pizza dough? But really this is a disgustingly unhealthy idea, it needs convenience and frozen ingredients.

Enter Mama Celeste and a burger patty.

I sliced one personal cheese pizza in half and did the same to my burger patty.  Laid the patty side by side on one half of the pizza and topped it with the other pizza half.

Voila! Pizza + burger in it's most simple form.

This, my friends, is what dreams are made of.  You are an adult now so you can eat whatever you want for dinner!

Don't worry we also ate a salad.

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