Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Corn Flake Chicken

Problem: I've had leftover corn flakes, from a dessert I made, sitting in the cabinet for months now because honestly who wants to eat corn flakes?  We generally have about 5 boxes of cereal in house at a time so needless to say corn flakes is never anyone's cereal of choice.

Solution: corn flake chicken!

Here is the corn flake dip station; flour with a little spice rub mixed in, milk, crushed up corn flakes.

Then smush all of the pieces onto one pan so you don't have too much clean up and spray the tops with some cooking oil.

They cooked up so nicely, all crispy and brown.

I roasted some roasted potatoes and onions to go alongside the chicken.

MMmmm I love meals that are all the same color. 

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