Sunday, September 11, 2011

Soup Time Already?

We had such a gloomy week this past week; I figured it was time for some soup.  Of course on the day I decided it was time for soup the sun came out and it was 80 degrees, but we'll just look passed that.

The recipe I decided to use was from a 2008 issue of Better Homes and Gardens.  I have been sitting on this recipe for 3 years! And naturally when I finally chose to make it I totally changed it and made a whole nother soup entirely.

This is the original recipe broccoli-potato soup with greens.  For my version of this soup I added corn and zucchini and nixed the greens oh and I snuck in some Old Bay because everything is better with Old Bay.

Potatoes and zucchini bubbling away.

In goes the corn and the broccoli. 

Finally the milk and the cheese!

I am very pleased with my additions and the smoked Gouda adds a fantastic flavor to the soup.

It has been decided that this soup will be made on a consistent basis once the real cold weather begins.

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