Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tomato Spinach Raviolini Soup

I discovered these baby ravioli at Trader Joe's 2 years ago.  Amazingly enough it took me 2 years to go get these awesome little pastas and plop them into another soup.

This was a fly by the seat of my pants recipe.  I used 2 cans of broth, 2 cans of crushed tomatoes, and added some water.  Also, I put in about a bag of frozen spinach which I failed to photograph.

Much like every time I make soup I attempt to take photographs of it.  I should probably just give up already.  The picture below is just for shits and giggles.

The soup was rather tasty,  but I should have added more liquid.  It became quite stew-like in consistency and then the leftovers lost all soup resemblance.

I'm going to need to figure out more ways to incorporate raviolini into my cooking.  They are just too damn cute.


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