Sunday, October 7, 2012

Apple Cinnamon Pancakes

I am a firm believer that anything starting with "apple cinnamon" is going to be delicious.  These pancakes came out just as I believed they would.

I just used a Bisquick mix and added diced up apples and cinnamon.  Not much going on here, but it was simply delightful.

The only issue I came across was that the apples thinned the batter a bit.  This didn't have any effect on the final taste, but it made it difficult to control on the griddle.

Also, because the apples thinned the batter, I ended up making about 30 pancakes.  Sadly I failed to capture the giant stack of pancakes because I was in a real hurry to start eating them.

I know it doesn't look like anything special, but I swear they were crazy tasty.  Now I just need to come up with another way to use apples this weekend...

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