Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day Dinner

My Mother's Day menu consisted of:

1. Kebabs with chicken, sausage, steak, green and yellow squash, eggplant, pepper, red onion, and cherry tomatoes (yes it was a bit much, but so pretty!) all in a teriyaki marinade

2. Orzo salad (you know how I feel about pasta salads) with sun dried tomato vinaigrette, artichoke hearts, olives, scallions, and parsley

3. Fruit torte with peaches, mangoes, pineapple, and strawberries (lovely little frozen mix that I can't wait to make into a smoothie or sangria...hmmmmm.....)


Fresh outta the oven

Topped with fresh whipped cream and black raspberry ice cream (oh! there ya go Amy, red raspberry as opposed to black raspberry. We can give Trader Joe's a break now.)

A beautiful day with a fantastic end to a food filled weekend.

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