For the past 4 months I have been working on an incredibly difficult and amazingly frustrating 1,000 piece Starry Night puzzle. You can see the completed project below.
It seemed only right that I honor or celebrate the completion of this beauty that has occupied my life for so long. I give you: Starry Night puzzle cake!
These are the ingredients, I followed this recipe for a simple white cake.
I dyed the mix yellow and blue in attempts to mimic the painting.
Then I swirled the two colors in another attempt to mimic the painting.
Then I did this ridiculously adorable piping to make it look like a puzzle! I must admit I was pretty proud of myself for this bit. Too cute right?
Here is a lovely close up of the completed cake. Hooray for my puzzle being finished and for a delicious cake to eat!
Nothing better than a simple, homemade cake. Good job w the puzzle! :)